Saturday, February 27, 2010

5 things to put on your to do list this weekend

Are you working on your weekend to do list?

Here are a few things to be sure you add to it:

  1. Be active! Get your heart rate up and sweat!
  2. Take time to be thankful for all that you have in your life.
  3. Be kind to others.
  4. Eat veggies with every meal and snack on fruit.
  5. Spend at least 20 minutes building core strength.
Make it a marvelous weekend!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


So, while I love exercising with my kiddos and wouldn't trade it for the world (after all, StrollerFit Akron/Medina is what allows me to get so much cardio and strength training in), I'm thinking I need a big push in grown-up-world-only for spring to really help me lose these last 8 lbs of babyweight and then focus on the 10 lbs more i wanted to lose BEFORE I got preggo.

I can't run with my little one in the front carrier ;-).

I still am breastfeeding through early March, and am not looking to begin until after that, but am starting some old fashioned R & D now.

Anyone have any ideas or opinions?

Back in the StrollerFit Saddle Again!

It's been one heck of a ride, these past 4 months. Between partial bedrest, the early birth of our beautiful daughter, the holidays, everything postpartum including minimal and intermittent sleep, and still lovingly re-exploring the world with my toddler son, the past few months have been a whirlwind of random memories that I'm still trying to line up.

BUT ... I'm back, baby! Our StrollerFit students are feeling the brunt of my surges of cardio-energy, and I'm participating right along with our StrollerFit Akron/Medina students in the 8-week mommymuscle challenge to build stamina, strength, flexibility, and balance. I love burning calories with our StrollerFit moms.

Wendi had her little boy last week, and everyone is beautiful and healthy. She is already itchin' to come back, and I keep reminding her that she needs to enjoy this time ... and get cleared for exercise by her doc, first!

So get ready for weekly posts, at least, on all kinds of topics from money saving tips to green fitness and more peppered with my daily-family adventures. Feel free to share ideas or bring up some good topics yourselves!